Double Chai USY Alumni Honorees

Please help us celebrate our 36 Double Chai Honorees. Donate in honor of one or more of our Double Chai Honorees.
Please donate via credit card or PayPal below or by Venmo @USCJ-USY.  If you have any questions please email

USY Alumni Information
Please Note: no mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.
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Which USY region are/were you from?
If a member of a USCJ synagogue, please type the city for quick search results of the name ...
List one or more honorees your donation is in honor of below ...
For a donation of $36 or greater, honoree/s for whom you donate will be sent your message below and notified about your donation. All donors (unless wishing to remain anonymous) will be listed on the Double Chai USY Alumni Webpage.
Alumni Celebration
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address