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Clergy-Educator Cohort

Monday, Feb. 10 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET

Cosponsored by the Jewish Educators Assembly, Rabbinical Assembly, and Cantors Assembly

The Jewish Educators Assembly (JEA) is excited to invite cantors and rabbis who are also serving as religious school directors to participate in a special cohort of clergy-educators. This meeting of the Clergy/Educator cohort will be a presentation by Mitchell J Smilowitz, CPA, Chief Exective Officer of the Joint Retirement Board. If you are a new clergy, or a new educator, or a new employee of a USCJ congregation, please join us to learn how you can begin to plan for your retirement today. It is never too early to start saving!

The Joint Retirement Board for Conservative Judaism (JRB) is the plan sponsor and plan administrator of The JRB 403(b)(9) Retirement Plan (Plan)The Plan is classified as a “church plan,” (also known as a denominational retirement plan), and is available to the clergy, professional and administrative staff who work for Conservative Movement congregations and the Movement’s affiliated employers. There are nearly 3,800 participants in the Plan and plan assets exceed $1.3 Billion.

As many of you know, there is a special tax rule that applies to clergy – the parsonage allowance. Many of you are claiming a parsonage allowance through your employer -- and are enjoying the tax benefits of a “ministerial housing allowance.”

Did you know that, under the tax law, retired clergy can continue to claim a parsonage allowance by taking tax-free distributions from a church plan?  This benefit only is available for retired rabbis and cantors in the Movement who take withdrawals from the JRB, the denominational retirement plan for Conservative Judaism.

To learn more about the parsonage allowance (how to calculate it, the rules when actively employed, etc.) and how you can claim a parsonage allowance in retirement from the JRB, you are invited to attend a JEA/USCJ webinar on February 10, 2025 at 1 pm ET.  The webinar will be conducted by JRB CEO Mitchell J. Smilowitz, CPA.  Spouses and significant others are invited!

February 10th, 2025 1:00 PM   through   2:15 PM

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